When the Earthquake struck Christchurch, I was at my old school St Michael’s. I was in two rooms, they were the library and the other was Principal’s office. It was the scariest thing I have ever felt! I was so so so scared.

When the Earthquake struck Christchurch, I was at my old school St Michael’s. I was in two rooms, they were the library and the other was Principal’s office. It was the scariest thing I have ever felt! I was so so so scared.
It was a Normal lunchtime. It was the 22nd of February 2011. Suddenly the ground shook violently… I was riding on Clarkville School’s flying fox. I heard the bells ringing and the power-lines shook like mad. Everybody was shouting out “Earthquake!” and the teachers ran out of the staffroom yelling “Get to the middle of […]