‘My story’-Kate, 12, Ashgrove School

When the earth shook on the 22nd of February I was playing on the playground with my friend Hunter. We had been doing technology at Rangiora Borough. When it started I fell off the playground and then sat on the ground waiting for it to finish. The quake lasted 30 seconds, Hunter and I sat there waiting for it to end. At first we couldn’t tell it was over but we then saw the windows in the building next to us flexing and the staircase to the classroom moving. It was probably the most scariest 30 seconds of my life, so far.

15 Responses to “‘My story’-Kate, 12, Ashgrove School”

  1. ella says:

    Kia ora Kate

    Thanks for your writing about the experience you have just had. It sounds awful but you and Hunter sound as though you were very sensible to have stayed still until it was safe to move.

    I hope your family and friends are well and safe too. We are all thinking of you and trying to find ways to assist, some of us can only write notes of support.

    Take care Kate.

    From Ella in Auckland.

  2. Diyasha says:

    Did you get hurt when you fell off the playground? I agree that the earthquake is really scary. Now you know that there won’t be one in a very long time.

  3. Carmen says:

    HI kate,
    i hope you are ok with the fall
    i know that it was pretty scary but you did the right thing when it happened.
    I really really hope you and your friends and family are not hurt.
    it had been a bad day isn’t it?

  4. anita says:

    Dear Kate

    that must of been really freaky
    cause in Wellington there was a little earthquake and i felt scared too
    hope its good up there!


  5. velvet says:

    so brave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. Scott says:

    Dear Kate
    I hope you and your family are ok plus any pets are cool.
    The big earthquake must have been relly scary, There are some aftershocks happening here they arnt that bad.
    Hope you have a house if you don’t that must be weird.

    Kind reguards Scott Travis Saint bernards college lower hutt.

  7. Lincoln Craig says:

    Dear Kate,

    I hope you and your family are okay and if you have any pets thay are okay and safe.

    Lincoln Craig
    Room 49
    Saint Bernard’s College

  8. Deborah says:

    Hi Kate,

    I love the way you have shared your story. I hope you didn’t hurt yourself when you fell off the playground. And also hope you and Hunter are enjoying Technology if you are back to school again. It is a really cool subject, and so is science.
    Best wishes for the future.

    From Deborah and family, Australia

  9. Issy Pasley&Amelia Hartley says:

    Dear Kate,

    I am so sorry to hear about this tragedy!! I hope you and Hunter are okay and both your families and friends.
    We are just a little bit older and can not even imagine what you’re going through!!!
    We wish you and your families well and hope you will never have to go through this again!!!
    Best wishes for the future!!!

    Issy and Amelia xx

  10. steph williams says:

    hi kate
    i hope ur ok
    i do know u r as u go to my school and ur like 1 of my bf’s anyway
    i hope there are no big earthquake i will c you at school tommorow

    steph williams
    ashgrove school

  11. Chloe and Catherine says:

    Dear Kate,

    We are very sorry that you had that devastating earthquake, You were really brave and we hope you are safe and well. We hope your friends and family are okay (we hope that Hunter is okay as well. )

    From Catherine and Chloe at Northcote Intermediate

  12. Fiona H says:

    Hi Kate

    I am Fiona from Northcote Intermediate in Auckland i am 12 years old.I hope that you are ok and also your family and friends. I hope that you are ok after faling of the playground.

    Yours Sincerely Fiona H :)

  13. courtney says:

    your brave!!!!!!!!!! to go thro this

  14. courtney says:

    hi kate

    it would of been skery

  15. Tim says:

    Hi kate,

    You’re very brave to write about this. I used to go to Ashgrove School and now i live in Christchurch. I was in my office in the CBD when the earthquake hit. I was on the 3rd floor of a buiding which has just come down. It was called the Strategy Building.

    Thanks for your story and also thanks to all those in Rangiora who helped us out for the days and weeks after the quake.

    best wishes

    Tim M

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