‘EARTHQUAKE!’- Micaela, 10, Hororata Primary School

Quickly! Get u p! Get up! My mind was wondering what was happening. I paused for a second to think, then I realised there was an extraordinary shake jolting the house. It was an EARTHQUAKE! I was so petrified, I ran straight to the doorway, I huddled there with Charlotte until it was over. We both sprinted straight under the sturdy table and stayed there for about an hour, just in case there was another earthquake or big after shock. Charlotte grabbed some of the left over pizza and water so we could have a snack. In the end we got out from under the table and started watching T.V. I was still worried there was going to be another earthquake but sooner or later so I decided I’d had to get over it. I hated the earthquake because it shook so much.

2 Responses to “‘EARTHQUAKE!’- Micaela, 10, Hororata Primary School”

  1. Mrs Macpherson says:

    What a great moment in time Micaela! It was wonderful coming across your writing on the net. Keep up the very powerful writing! (Miss Mead)

  2. Jade and Italy says:

    Hi Micaela,
    We read your blog,
    Our names are Jade and Italy and we go to Riwaka school.
    We hope you are all right.We are happy to know that you ran under the doorway.
    We feel very very sorry for you. It must be hard.
    We hope the shaking will stop soon!
    Look after yourself!

    From Jade and Italy

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