‘My story’-Connie, 5, Wairakei School

When the earthquake went I was frightened. I did not like it. I was frightened because my baby brother was at preschool. I miss him because he is at Wellington now. I miss him

5 Responses to “‘My story’-Connie, 5, Wairakei School”

  1. Sukhdeep Kaur says:

    i feel really sorry for you and your family and iwish you can see your brother again :)

  2. catherine says:

    To Connie
    I feel so sorry for you.I hope you and your brother are ok.you are really brave.good luck to you and your
    love catherine =)

  3. peter&sammyboy says:


  4. Reif says:

    I hope you and your family are extra – safe in your home & please tell me you are not hert

  5. Ella says:

    Dear Connie

    What a brave strong person you are. How sorry I feel for you with your little brother away at the moment.

    He will be back soon and you will be able to play together and have lots of hugs which will make you feel really good again.

    You are very smart to write your little piece on here and I am pleased you did so.

    I am sending you lots of hugs from Auckland now….and will keep you in my thoughts.

    Please say Hi to your family for me and I wish them all the best too.

    From Ella in Auckland.

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