‘Christchurches darkest day’-Billy, 10, Kirkwood Intermediate
I was at school when the earthquake hit. I was in the classroom and all of us went under our tables until the ground stoped moving. During the earthquake the power went of. After the earthquake the principal came round the classrooms to check if we were ok. The teacher let us have our cellphones to text our family and friends to see if they were ok. After that my mum picked me up.
Hi Billy…I bet it was such a relief when people answered your texts and then your mum got there…I think it would be scary with the earthquake going on…then wondering what was happening to the rest of your family….It would freak me out ..I think my hands might be too shaky to text…I live in Tauranga Billy and our city has been watching what’s happened for you guys in Christchurch every day as much as we can on TV…The kids in schools up here have been doing fundraising for Christchurch all week….We are so sorry for so much damage happening Billy and so many people being hurt…I hope you are able to be with some mates ’cause you’ll all have so much that’s been happening and that you’ve seen…huge stuff Billy…I hope there are some places for kicking a ball around and things..or is everbody too busy cleaning up?? I hope the sun and flowers, and trees and friends can keep some sunshine moments coming during Christchurches dakest days Billy…Bye for now with love to the Christchurch people from the Tauranga people, Take good care of yourself Billy, from Raewyn.
Hey Billy
Thanks for your posting on here. Good to hear you are Ok now after mum picked you up.
I am so pleased you were able to get under the tables when you had to, and what a good Principal to check on you all.
Handy to have a cellphone so you could text family, what a relief for you and those you love.
Have you seen the TV at all? In London there was a big service and the church was full and then another 2,500 kiwi’s had to stand outside in the cold to hear it. Then they raised thousands of dollars to send to you guys.
We are all thinking of you all the time and trying to find ways to help.
Take care and please send my best wishes to your family and friends and keep some for you!
From Ella in Auckland.
Thats so lucky of you its nice they let you call your family and I bet it was a good feeling when you heard your family was ok . its still bad this hole thing happend but make sure to stay positive
from Cody and Ben
Hi Billy,
My name is Tazz I am 12 years old I go to Northcote Intermediate School.
I am sorry for the devastation that happened in Christchurch.
It was nice to hear that your principal came to check if you were ok.
I hope your friends and family are safe .
Tazz (:
Hi Billy,
My name is Katelin I am 12 years old and i go to Northcote Intermediate School.
I am so glad to hear that you and your family are ok. I am so sorry for all the damage that has been caused in Christchurch. you are very lucky that your teacher let you use your phones to call your parents, your principal must of been very brave to go around the school to see if everyone is ok.
wishing you all the best for the time it takes to clean up and rebuild.
kind regards,
North Shore , Auckland.