‘Scary time at school’-Sam, 8

At school I was playing at lunchtime and everything started moving. It was really scary and all my friends were scared. My teacher was very nice and made us all happy again.

5 Responses to “‘Scary time at school’-Sam, 8”

  1. Jennifer says:

    Hi Sam. I am glad you have such a great teacher!

  2. ella says:

    Dear Sam

    I am sorry you had to live through such a big earthquake again, I wish I could do something to make it all stop and never happen again.

    I am sure you would have been scared, I would have been too and I am an adult. But it is normal to be scared in these situations.

    And funnily enough the scared feeling makes you do things that energises your body to drop and get under something safe or in the playground drop and curl up.

    Your teacher sounds nice and is a very brave person too and msut be clever to make you all happy again.

    I shall be thinking of you Sam and hoping all is well for you.

    Best wishes from Ella in Auckland

  3. Lucas Clarke aged 5 says:

    We have been watching it on tv and I hope your house is ok.
    Our school in Mairangi Bay has collected some food for you in Christchurch and it is coming in a big truck.
    Is your school open?
    I hope your family and friends are all right.
    Can you email our school

    Lucas room 12

  4. Petrina says:

    thanks for your story Sam, it sounds like you stayed really brave while you and your friends where scared. i live in the north island and dont know what an earthquake feels like. so i think that you are really brave. i am glad that you have such a good teacher who could make you happy again. She (or he) seems like a hero for all the children in your class! I hope you are not feeling scared anymore and that you are feeling safer.
    take care :)

  5. hi sam

    wow awesome teacher !

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