“It sounded like glass shook and bells rang”-Tiffany, 7, Merrin School

It started with a wobbly earthquake. It was the first earthquake I have ever felt. It wobbled and jiggled and shook my hands. I felt I was in a deep dark moving cave. I thought it was a dream so I closed my eyes and opened them again, but it wasn’t a dream! It was the worst experience I’ve ever had.

When my Dad came from Korea he asked me,”What sound did it make when the earthquake came?”

Then I replied, “Um… it sounded like glass shook and bells rang.”

The biggest earthquake was 7.1.

One Response to ““It sounded like glass shook and bells rang”-Tiffany, 7, Merrin School”

  1. Jennifer says:

    Hi Tiffany. You are so brave and all of New Zealand is very proud of the kids in Christchurch. Much love from Auckland.

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