‘I heard a zap!!’- Elise, 8, Hororata Primary School

I heard a loud rumble, I was rocking from side to side, Tiffany was screaming, I had no idea what was going on. It sounded like someone was smashing the windows. I heard a zap!! The power was off. Mum couldn’t find her torch then Mum came screaming up the hall and said “Earthquake, Earthquake!!” We scrambled into Mum’s bed. Dad came home from the farm and changed the water so we could have a drink. He said it felt like he had a flat tyre then stopped and found out it was an earthquake. I asked Mum to ring Janet to see if they were ok. Then Bex came over to go to the toilet because we had water and they didn’t. Afterwards Shaun, Anne and Neil came over to talk about the earthquake. Dad rang Grandma and rick. Rick said he would pick us up because they had power at their house.

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