‘Earthquake Disaster’- Will, 8, Weedons School

On Saturday at 4.35am a humongous earthquake struck here in Christchurch. We were very lucky because not that much fell over. I was very terrified. After the main earthquake that was 7.1 we went and hopped into Mum and Dad’s bed. At 6.00am our neighbours came for a cup of coffee. Then my eyes exploded! There was hardly anything that had broken. All that had broken was the heater fell off the wall, a mirror smashed, the kitchen was a pigsty and a cabinet fell on James’ bike. I felt very dizzy because I fell out of my bed and walked into the door. Ouch it hurt a lot!

10 Responses to “‘Earthquake Disaster’- Will, 8, Weedons School”

  1. Shane O'brien says:

    Will, this is a great story. Well done

  2. lisa o'brien says:

    What a great story Will. A fantastic recollection of events. Well done.

  3. nathan says:

    nice story will

  4. nathan says:

    nice story will

  5. Mrs F says:

    Will, I am not surprised your eyes exploded after such a shake up and not much damage! Lucky you!

  6. harriet says:

    good story!

  7. steven says:

    Oh what a story.

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