On Saturday morning the 4th of September at 4.35 an earthquake shook Christchurch violently. It was marked 7.1 on the Richter Scale. I wasn’t at home, I was at my friends house, and that made it even more scary! We were in the lounge and I tried to calm my friend down by telling her […]
Crack! Crack! Crack! “Dad! Stop shaking my bed”, I said. But it wasn’t dad shaking it, it was an earthquake. I jumped out of bed and got under the doorway. “Get out of bed!” my dad was yelling while running up the stairs. After the earthquake me, my brother and my sister ran downstairs. “There’s […]
On Friday there was a humongous earthquake. It was amazing. Suddenly there was a big bang. It was wobbly and ferocious. Finally it was over. Occasionally there is a big rumble and a grumble. The earthquake was 7.1. First they said 7.4. We were allowed to flush the toilet because we have our own sewage […]
On Saturday at 4.35 an earthquake struck Canterbury. During the quake, Mum’s favourite china set smashed. Luckily our chimney did not fall over. Yay. Our house didn’t get torn apart our house is fine. I felt scared because it was my first earthquake. The house was rumbling and grumbling ferociously smashing. After the quake looters […]
On Saturday at 4.35am a humongous earthquake struck here in Christchurch. We were very lucky because not that much fell over. I was very terrified. After the main earthquake that was 7.1 we went and hopped into Mum and Dad’s bed. At 6.00am our neighbours came for a cup of coffee. Then my eyes exploded! […]