‘We were swimming when all the lights went out’-Melissa, 8, Burwood School

On the 22nd of February 2011 a 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch. Room 6 was at QEII, we were swimming when all the lights went out. Then massive waves were coming at everyone. Room 5 and Room 2 were the first ones out, then Room 6 and Room 4  came out after them. We all ran out the building. Miss Moreton and Mr Sheperd were helping the kids out of the pool. Everyone got out but the place was damaged. The gym roof came down. Miss Moreton could not get the bus to come get us so the parents who were there grabbed 9 kids at a time and took them back to school. 106 kids got back to Burwood school over a long time. At Burwood School everyone was on the backfield and was safe.

One Response to “‘We were swimming when all the lights went out’-Melissa, 8, Burwood School”

  1. Ella says:

    Dear Melissa

    Wow! What a day and how well organised your teachers are to be able to manage so many kids under such circumstances.

    Your teachers are pretty cool to have kept you all safe and well before you could get picked up.

    I am glad you are able to write this piece and share some of your experience.

    Please take care of yourself, we are thinking of you and we won’t forget that we all have to make an effort to get Canterbury up and running again.

    From Ella in Auckland.

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