“We are very lucky”-Gemma, 6,
On Tuesday there was an earthquake.when the earthquake happened i was at school we were just having lunch. i was just about to stand in the playground.the teachers came and told us to go out on the grass. more earthquakes happened it was scary. my mum came to pick me up. we could not get my bag because Mr McDonald said that we couldn’t go into the classrooms. then we went to pick Xavier up from prep school. the traffic was busy. that night we stayed at our gran and grandad’s house. there were some earthquakes in the night. i slept in the same bed as my mum and my brother. in the morning we had breakfast at my gran and grandad house. we were lucky that we had power and water. their house had things fall over but it was safe to be in. my aunty annas house has broken windows and the chimney lying on the roof. our house has some cracks but we are lucky it is safe. i was scared and nervous when the earthquake happened. i am so happy my family are all safe. we are very lucky.
Hi Gemma
Thank you for writing so well about the earthquake. I am sure it was scary, I would have been scared too and I am an adult.
Mr MacDonald looked after you very well before Mum picked you up. Well done for waiting so patiently.
It is lovely to snuggle up with your Mum and brother especialy in these times.
I hope all goes well for you and I want you to remember that people all over the world are trying hard to help everyone that has been in the earthquake.
Best wishes from Ella in Auckland.
Thank you Gemma for your story, you have been very brave and we are so glad that you and your family are safe. We send you all our love and hope to see you soon.
Love from
Martin, Nadine, Luke, Charlotte and Eden
Gemma, What a lovely story you wrote and I am very happy you are all safe and well. Stay safe and perhaps one day you might all want to come and have holiday with us. You and Xavier came to our house with Daddy when your cousins Ayden and Mickayla were visiting from Australia and we would be happy to have you come again. Lots of Love to all of you, Nanny Ruth.
Gemma, what a scary thing you and your family have been through. It must have been scaring being in bed when there was shaking and things inside the house falling over. Thank you for writing such a descriptive story about your experience. You should be proud if your community for being so strong. Stay safe and look after each other.
What a lovely story. Pleased you are all safe.
you must be so brave,i would be really frightened if i was in christchurch I hope you will go back to school safely
Dear Gemma
I’m sorry that happened to you. You are so brave. I’m glad that your family is safe. We are having a wacky hair day to raise some money. It’s good that your gran and grandad had power and water at their house. You have really good teachers to look after you.
Did you have food?
What did it feel like in the earthquake?
And I hope your family is safe
from Em
Dear Gemma
I’m sorry for what has happened to you and the rest of Christchuch. You’re lucky you and your family are safe. All the year fours and some of the year fives are doing wackey hair day which helps raise money for Christchurch. I’m glad you have somewhere to stay. You and the rest of the city is bravely pushing through this natural disaster.It’s lucky the chimney didn’t break your aunty Anna’s house.But remember I’ll be thinking of you.
Lots of love Abbie
Dear Gemma
I’m sorry for what happened. I am glad that all your family is all right. We are having a Wacky hat
Hair Day to fundraise this Friday. for money to send to Christchurch. I’m sorry for the damage in Christchurch and I will be thinking about you.
What a amazing story Gemma!
We were thinking of you guys heaps
so glad your all safe.
you have been so brave!
lots of love to you the family and all of Christchurch xo
Hi little cousin just read your beautiful story. Our family are glad that you are all alright. We are thinking of you and your family. Kia Kaha
Dear Gemma
What a lovely surprise to come across a story written by our good friend Gemma!! We feel lucky too – look forward to seeing you when we come home from Kaikoura. Molly is going to school with her cousins while we are here – hopefully see you soon.
take care
lots of love Jayne Carl Molly Neave and Henry
♥♥♥ hope you are ok
from taylor and josh
hey gemma,
i hope u r ok, u seemed to be pretty scared when the earthquake struck, Mr MacDonald looked after u well.
Hope u r ok.
From: Caitlin