22 February aftershock. I was at the playground when the earthquake came. I was scared and our teacher shouted sit down in front of school on the concrete. Everyone was crying. After the 6.3 aftershock we fell another big one. I thought it is not really big one but it was. I talked to my […]
It was a Normal lunchtime. It was the 22nd of February 2011. Suddenly the ground shook violently… I was riding on Clarkville School’s flying fox. I heard the bells ringing and the power-lines shook like mad. Everybody was shouting out “Earthquake!” and the teachers ran out of the staffroom yelling “Get to the middle of […]
February 22nd 12.51pm lunchtime Ngawai Nihmot and I were in the round room having a meeting about our leadership training. Then all of a sudden the room started shaking like crazy then we stared at each other like owls and quickly as possible we ducked under the table .I yelled out ”Ngawai, Nihmot” they both […]