When the EARTHQUAKE happened I didn’t know what it was, because I just thought it was my head spinning around. Then when I knew what it was, I didn’t mind a thing so I just kept on sleeping.
When the earthquake struck I knew straight away it was an earthquake (because of lots of dreams).Cocoa (cola) started meowing. I was surprised how the quake could get here! Afterwards we got dressed & filled up bottles of water. 5mins later BBC world news showed ChCh getting affected by the earthquake. So that was my […]
Saturday morning 4:35am. Rumble rumble shake shake. ‘What is happening’ I thought. Suddenly Mum and Dad were at the door. BEEP BEEP, BEEP BEEP the smoke alarm fell down and went off. While Mum picked up the smoke alarm I asked Dad what it was.‘It was an Earthquake’ Dad replied. Dad said it was the […]
Saturday morning at 4:35am rattle,rattle at first I thought it might be in my nightmare. Still half asleep I got out of bed walked into the hallway BOOM!! My brother knocked me down flat, not wanting to see if I was okay he sped down the hallway screaming EARTHQUAKE!!! And of course hid under the […]
Whoosh bang the big 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit. I stayed as stiff as a statue in my bed not even moving. I could hear my sister Danielle screaming because her lamp fell on her head.After the earthquake stopped I still stayed stiff as a statue in my bed because the aftershocks were still going. After […]
My eyes flickered open to a petrifying sound. Everything was pitch black like the night sky. I heard muffled screams from every direction. I took everything in slowly with fright. I felt for my lamp and I jerked down the switch quickly and compellingly. It would not even flicker. Devoted to my bed, I gave […]