Comments on: ‘Outside I got cold’-Tyler, 8, Burwood School /2011/04/outside-i-got-cold-tyler-8-burwood-school/ Sun, 02 Sep 2012 08:30:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ella /2011/04/outside-i-got-cold-tyler-8-burwood-school/#comment-3258 Mon, 04 Apr 2011 20:07:36 +0000 /?p=1232#comment-3258 Hi Tyler

What a shame you got cold when the big earthquake came whilst you were in the pool, I am so sorry you went through this horrible experience.

If I had some way of stopping these things I would! And I know a lot of people who agree with me.

You have all been very brave and have shown all sorts of amazing abilities and skills. I have heard of incredible tales of bravery and courage on TV.

I have seen in the newspaper pictures of some of the toilets people have made and the funny names they have given them.

Everyone in Canterbury has a story to tell, and some keep it quiet. I hope you stay well and that things are settling down for you.

Thinking of you loads. From Ella in Auckland.
