Comments on: “Stay under your desk and hold on!”-Maddison, 6, Opawa School /2011/03/stay-under-your-desk-and-hold-on-maddison-6-opawa-school/ Sun, 02 Sep 2012 08:30:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deborah /2011/03/stay-under-your-desk-and-hold-on-maddison-6-opawa-school/#comment-2384 Mon, 14 Mar 2011 05:01:52 +0000 /?p=1095#comment-2384 Hi Maddison,

Those words from your teacher probably helped everyone so much. They rang out in my ears as I read them. So you are a very good story teller. And such a helpful and thoughtful and brave person for someone who is 6 :)

Best wishes to you and your family and your friends Joseph and Tamar, and to the people of Opawa School, from Australia.

By: Ella /2011/03/stay-under-your-desk-and-hold-on-maddison-6-opawa-school/#comment-2351 Mon, 14 Mar 2011 01:17:48 +0000 /?p=1095#comment-2351 Hi Maddison

Gosh that was lucky you dropped your pen just at the right moment so you could stay under the table.

You must be very strong to hold onto a table leg. Your teacher sounds nice and very kind to be able to look after you so well.

Your poor old house must have looked bad when you first saw it, but good on you to go in there and clean it up again.

You must have some engineering skills to be able to fix a clock after all that damage, I don’t think I could have done so. Perhaps that is what you will be when you grow up, an engineer? Canterbury will need plenty of clever people like you.

I am pleased you are safe and that you had a big barbecue with all your neighbours and your Aunty Julie from Hamilton. It was great that your friends could get there too.

Hope you are sleeping better now though. Take care.
From Ella in Auckland.
