Comments on: ‘My story’-Samantha, 6, Hillview Christian School /2011/03/my-story-samantha-6-hillview-christian-school/ Sun, 02 Sep 2012 08:30:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ella /2011/03/my-story-samantha-6-hillview-christian-school/#comment-2320 Sun, 13 Mar 2011 18:42:14 +0000 /?p=1062#comment-2320 Hello Samantha

It sounds pretty terrible for you when the big earthquake came.

I do hope your arm is better and that you have been able to see Hope & Sam again to talk over your experience.

Mrs Vosslamber sounds so nice and kind to look after you.

It sounds as though you got fed up looking at the blue mat waiting for Mummy.

I reckon Mummy would have been so pleased to see you as much as you were to see her.

Pancakes are yummy for breakfast aren’t they? Did you help Aunty make them?

We are all thinking of you!
Take care and send my best wishes to all your family, friends and school.
From Ella in Auckland.


By: reuben and Mia /2011/03/my-story-samantha-6-hillview-christian-school/#comment-2233 Fri, 11 Mar 2011 08:38:16 +0000 /?p=1062#comment-2233 we hope your arm is ok now and that you have your bike and scooter
