Comments on: ‘I saw my mum and I was so happy’-Kezia, 11, Kaiapoi Borough School /2011/03/i-saw-my-mum-and-i-was-so-happy-kezia-11-kaiapoi-borough-school/ Sun, 02 Sep 2012 08:30:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ella /2011/03/i-saw-my-mum-and-i-was-so-happy-kezia-11-kaiapoi-borough-school/#comment-3134 Thu, 31 Mar 2011 18:28:10 +0000 /?p=1197#comment-3134 Hello Kezia

That was certainly a bad day you had in February. You certainly went through a lot and it sounds as though it was pretty horrible.

What strikes me is how many people realised how much they loved each other and how many people helped each other out on the day and thereafter.

I am impressed that you were able to write on here what is was like for you and to be honest about your feelings.

I really hope things have improved for you and that you are all safe and well. Those of us far away think of you so much and are trying to assist the best we can.

Please send my best wishes to your family and friends and school. Taks care of yourself.
From Ella in Auckland.
