Comments on: Earthquake Poem-Madeline, 11, Halswell School /2011/03/earthquake-poem-madeline-11-halswell-school/ Sun, 02 Sep 2012 08:30:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mum & Dad. /2011/03/earthquake-poem-madeline-11-halswell-school/#comment-2211 Thu, 10 Mar 2011 22:10:40 +0000 /?p=977#comment-2211 Great Poem Mads –
Proud of you and how you’re handing all this!

By: Ella /2011/03/earthquake-poem-madeline-11-halswell-school/#comment-2010 Tue, 08 Mar 2011 05:19:54 +0000 /?p=977#comment-2010 Hey Madeline

That poem is a mighty powerful one that tells me of the emptiness someone may feel when all is broken around them and then to see the family are all there and the importance of that.

Well done, it is hard to put into words the type of experience you just went through, and then to do such a fine job of it.

Stay well, please send my best wishes to your loved ones.

From Ella in Auckland.
