Comments on: ‘Darkest Days’-Rhiannon, 11, Kaiapoi Borough School /2011/03/darkest-days-rhiannon-11-kaiapoi-borough-school/ Sun, 02 Sep 2012 08:30:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ella /2011/03/darkest-days-rhiannon-11-kaiapoi-borough-school/#comment-3136 Thu, 31 Mar 2011 18:47:07 +0000 /?p=1205#comment-3136 Dear Rhiannon

What a story! What an experience! It has been such a horrible time for people in Canterbury and your time sounds awful.

I am pleased that you are safe now and with your family.

Tears are very cleansing and hearts ache not just with pain but with love too and that has been so true for many.

This experience will give you the knowledge of empathy which is according to a report I read recently was one of the greatest resources in the world.

Take care of yourself champion of Canterbury!

From Ella in Auckland.
