Comments on: “I was very dizzy”-Todd, 5 & 1/2, Waimairi School /2011/02/i-was-very-dizzy-todd-5-12-waimairi-school/ Sun, 02 Sep 2012 08:30:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jackie /2011/02/i-was-very-dizzy-todd-5-12-waimairi-school/#comment-1769 Thu, 03 Mar 2011 19:54:38 +0000 /?p=677#comment-1769 Hi Todd

Looking forward to seeing your smiling face when we have our next walking Wednesday. You are going to have a bumpier walk to school now tha the ground is more uneven.
See you soon, Jackie

By: jaedeci /2011/02/i-was-very-dizzy-todd-5-12-waimairi-school/#comment-1690 Wed, 02 Mar 2011 23:31:13 +0000 /?p=677#comment-1690 Hi I wish you all the good luck and I hope your loved ones are safe.

By: Sam Cron, Fraser Ogle, Santi Rodriguez, Cale Agate. /2011/02/i-was-very-dizzy-todd-5-12-waimairi-school/#comment-1553 Tue, 01 Mar 2011 23:43:31 +0000 /?p=677#comment-1553 Hi Todd,
We are 10 year old boys from Pukete School in Hamilton. We have never experienced
an earthquake like you have but we know that you and Jett must have been really brave
not to cry. We are proud of you even though we have not met you.
What an interesting start to your schooling. We hope that things get back to normal quickly
for you so you can catch up with your friends and teachers soon.
From Fraser, Santi, Cale and Sam

By: Ella,Shinae&Lelani. /2011/02/i-was-very-dizzy-todd-5-12-waimairi-school/#comment-1380 Mon, 28 Feb 2011 00:02:56 +0000 /?p=677#comment-1380 Hi Todd,
we think you are brave,and we’re thinking of how to help your home town.i think that you have showed a lot of initiative for your age ,you’re remarkably brave. It must be very boring without t.v to watch & your trampoline under liquefaction drowning it.

By: Mike Anderson /2011/02/i-was-very-dizzy-todd-5-12-waimairi-school/#comment-1338 Sun, 27 Feb 2011 04:08:01 +0000 /?p=677#comment-1338 Hi Todd,

I am so glad Mrs. Wilson made you feel safe.

I can’t wait until we open the school again and I can hear all of your stories.

You and Jett were so brave not to cry, it made the other kids feel safe, thank you for that.

School is REALLY safe and has hardly any damage.

Hope to see you soon
Mr A

By: sophie /2011/02/i-was-very-dizzy-todd-5-12-waimairi-school/#comment-1334 Sun, 27 Feb 2011 02:30:12 +0000 /?p=677#comment-1334 hi todd
i too go to waimairi school
im so glad your ok!
i was under the table with my friends!
from soph

By: ella /2011/02/i-was-very-dizzy-todd-5-12-waimairi-school/#comment-1290 Sat, 26 Feb 2011 05:25:18 +0000 /?p=677#comment-1290 Hi Todd

You sound like a very strong and brave person. How good of you to hold so tightly onto the blue ramp poles.

We all feel scared sometimes even adults too and we all cry sometimes too and even that’s a thing adults do. It’s not weak to cry but sometimes it just happens.

It looks as though your teachers looked after you very well in the long time before your parents arrived.

I bet you shouted hooray! when your family all got together again.

Please remember Todd I shall be thnking of you all the time and I hope things get better soon.

From Ella in Auckland.
