Comments on: “I got scared”- Rhys, 7, Windsor School /2011/02/i-got-scared-rhys-7-windsor-school/ Sun, 02 Sep 2012 08:30:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: ella /2011/02/i-got-scared-rhys-7-windsor-school/#comment-1285 Sat, 26 Feb 2011 05:01:00 +0000 /?p=688#comment-1285 Wow Rhys I bet it felt good when Grandad picked you up from school.

What a shame you had to stop playing but when big earthquakes happen it is a good idea to crouch down and if possible get under a desk or table.

I expect that is what you did and I am sure your school teachers looked after you well.

I would like you to know I shall be thinking of you often and hope there are no more of these earthquakes!

Best wishes Ella in Auckland.

By: Zoe /2011/02/i-got-scared-rhys-7-windsor-school/#comment-1278 Sat, 26 Feb 2011 02:25:53 +0000 /?p=688#comment-1278 when it happend i was crying and crying coz i wanted my mum and dad it happend at school, that day and we were playing out side when it happend and my mum was at work.
