Comments on: “Covered our heads”-Emma, 9, St Albans School /2011/02/covered-our-heads-emma-9-st-albans-school/ Sun, 02 Sep 2012 08:30:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emma oxox /2011/02/covered-our-heads-emma-9-st-albans-school/#comment-2948 Thu, 24 Mar 2011 03:38:32 +0000 /?p=730#comment-2948 Thanks I had fun at Jellie park I won a few races. My family is all ok and my house got a green sticker how about your house? Geuss what my friends in my class attually laughed about it they were trying to make everyone feel better! The lady there was really nice her name is Jackie and geuss what there was a guy there who was juggling apples and giving out jelly beans he was really funny!!!

By: Issy Pasley&Amelia Hartley /2011/02/covered-our-heads-emma-9-st-albans-school/#comment-2449 Tue, 15 Mar 2011 01:30:56 +0000 /?p=730#comment-2449 Emma,

I hope you had fun at Jellie Park but am really sorry to hear your lovely day got ruined!!!
You sound so brave and mature and I hope you and your family are all okay!!!
You were lucky you had such a nice friend whose mum looked after you!!!

Issy and Amelia xx

By: Alex /2011/02/covered-our-heads-emma-9-st-albans-school/#comment-1499 Tue, 01 Mar 2011 01:09:54 +0000 /?p=730#comment-1499 Hi Emma

I am very saddened to hear about the earthquake. Do you like swimming? :)
The earthquake must have been much more destructive then the September 7.1.
We had a two minute silence at my school today, and are having a red and black day to fundraise this Friday. Keep smiling :P


By: Emme.G /2011/02/covered-our-heads-emma-9-st-albans-school/#comment-1494 Tue, 01 Mar 2011 01:03:45 +0000 /?p=730#comment-1494 Wow it must have been very scary.we had camp last week it was really fun.Hope you are alright.

By: Emme.G /2011/02/covered-our-heads-emma-9-st-albans-school/#comment-1488 Tue, 01 Mar 2011 00:57:57 +0000 /?p=730#comment-1488 Hello I have a cousin called Emma! Are you still scared? Well matua school had to be quiet for 2 mins to think about you guys!We all do hope you guys will be safe for a couple days.Did you know that the north island might be a earth quake at the 6th of march on friday? Lets hope you will be all right!BY

By: Emma and Freya /2011/02/covered-our-heads-emma-9-st-albans-school/#comment-1452 Mon, 28 Feb 2011 21:37:24 +0000 /?p=730#comment-1452 Was it a very scary moment?
Are you ok what does your school look like now? did you get a big fright?
Freya and i thought your story was freaky.emma do you now that i am called emma too and i have a fracterd arm it is my right arm and that is my writing arm. Do you now that it is our swiming sports this Thursday the 3rd of March?

By: ella /2011/02/covered-our-heads-emma-9-st-albans-school/#comment-1444 Mon, 28 Feb 2011 20:23:41 +0000 /?p=730#comment-1444 Hi Emma

Thanks so much for writing your story on here, it helps us know what is happening in Canterbury and how it has been for you children.

I am pleased the pole didn’t fall and that although there was silt everywhere you managed to get through.

I am sure you were very pleased to see Mum and Dad and I am sure too that they would have been very happy to see you too.

Remember Emma that lots of people including me are thinking of you lots and trying to help as best as we can.

Please send my best wishes to your family and friends.

From Ella in Auckland.
